Holy smokes week FORTY! I can hardly believe we are approaching the holidays - where has the year gone? Here's week forty in photos. Oh and with the start of October, she changed the prompts to alphabet and number rather than a specific word - so it's been kind of fun to see what people pick for each letter! game, wish where I'm from a - apple, b - bread c - composition d - doughnuts
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week thirty nine in photos - sloooooowly working my way through processing my photos from Italy between a crazy work schedule and life. fav word crisp, triangle angle, best celebration (from Orvieto - traditional jump shot)
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Week thirty seven a mix of real time and Italy ... ahhh father, broken orange, repetition how I feel today, fall out of place (great graffiti found all around florence)
10 on 10 { sept 2014 }
I've missed the last couple of months 10 on 1o challenges ... bad me. But, hopefully I can be better for the coming months! Here's my September ten. Fresh off my trip to Italy, I decided to do my 10 on Sunday. It was the perfect lazy day - homemade waffles with the most amazing bourbon barrel honey, tea and magazines, the kitties loving having their momma home, putting together little travel gifts for friends, journaling (so I can remember what I did on my trip!) and the beginnings of photo editing - there's so far to go! It was the most beautiful day here in Chicago. Happy to be home!
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Week thirty six coming to you from Italy - what an amazing week and fabulous photo inspiration! 10am - tea at the bottom of the Spanish Steps (rome) in my cup - gelato, of course! stripes - black and white marble columns in the duomo (siena) button - great brass buttons (florence) DIY - street vendor hand paints his business card for every customer (florence) upside down - gelato cone lost (tragedy really!) (siena) I need ... - to learn that I must pack proper travel shoes (new nikes purchased - florence)
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week thirty five in photos spans from Chicago to Rome!! Yay! fragrant, breakfast mail, dull travel, dessert nearby
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I can hardly believe it ... but it's week 30! This year seems to be just flying by at record pace. moment basic I wore this! macro water home fun ten
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week twenty nine! look up old school torn listening to... sunshine admire curly
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Week twenty eight - hello! view first I've never... alive sharp gold interior
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Week twenty seven in photos - playing catch up big time! Terrible lack of posting these days - have kind of lost my blogging mojo. :( delight the end red + white begins with K match stars