Week 4 in photos finds us in the polar vortex here in Chicago. It's currently gusting winds with a feels like temperature of -2° and that means a lot of time inside snuggled up with the fur kids! At least the sun is shining today - yay! breakfast, blue to do list nice, bedtime my space, taste of winter
photo a day : 3 of 52
Week three in photos - hailing from Chicago and New Jersey colorful, makes me smile 3 things, black and white sun, tiny happy place
Week two in photos found, happens everyday upside down, lucky number natural man made, looking down
photo a day : 1 of 52
I go in and out of photo challenges, but this year I have decided to participate in the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day challenge - Chantelle provides prompts and we are to go out and photograph something that fits. If I complete the challenge, that will be another 365 for me! Let's hope I can do it! I will post daily on Instagram and Facebook and weekly here on the blog. Week 1 : lunch, begins with G, my town, word to live by