week forty three in photos - back to normal prompts ... but that was a fun change of pace. something blue, weather can't live without, made me smile 8 o'clock on the floor, a place
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week forty four - all numbers 1 - dollar 2 - door No. 2 3 - pumpkins 4 - 40 5 - dice roll
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Playing catch up ... week forty three in photos. The end of the alphabet. s - silence t - travel u - underground v - van der rohe w - wrigley building x - foreign eXchange y - yvette - hey that's me! z - zig zag pumpkin
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week forty two in photos l - leaves m - macro of a sunflower, n - no entry (but with a little graffiti love) o - olives (tuscan olives!) p - phoebe, q - quilt r - raindrops - we've had what seems like never ending rain - a solid eight days of gray skies and raindrops ...
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week forty one in photos e - envelope, f - flower g - ghost, h - hand written i - indiana, j - jesus k - kansas
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Holy smokes week FORTY! I can hardly believe we are approaching the holidays - where has the year gone? Here's week forty in photos. Oh and with the start of October, she changed the prompts to alphabet and number rather than a specific word - so it's been kind of fun to see what people pick for each letter! game, wish where I'm from a - apple, b - bread c - composition d - doughnuts
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week thirty nine in photos - sloooooowly working my way through processing my photos from Italy between a crazy work schedule and life. fav word crisp, triangle angle, best celebration (from Orvieto - traditional jump shot)
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I have to admit I'm loosing steam on the FMS photo prompts ... I'm seeing some repeats from earlier in the year (annoying) and that makes for real hard motivation to reinterpret the theme again. Not to mention that I have been horrible posting here on the blog... might have to rethink my choice of photo challenge in 2015. With that said - here is week thirty eight. healthy, I don't like key, person even, beginning
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Week thirty seven a mix of real time and Italy ... ahhh father, broken orange, repetition how I feel today, fall out of place (great graffiti found all around florence)
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Week thirty six coming to you from Italy - what an amazing week and fabulous photo inspiration! 10am - tea at the bottom of the Spanish Steps (rome) in my cup - gelato, of course! stripes - black and white marble columns in the duomo (siena) button - great brass buttons (florence) DIY - street vendor hand paints his business card for every customer (florence) upside down - gelato cone lost (tragedy really!) (siena) I need ... - to learn that I must pack proper travel shoes (new nikes purchased - florence)