Week 5 in photos - Chicago and Palm Springs fun stuff, something I bought dinner, window best invention ever, polka dot you (me)
photo a day : 4 of 52
Week 4 in photos finds us in the polar vortex here in Chicago. It's currently gusting winds with a feels like temperature of -2° and that means a lot of time inside snuggled up with the fur kids! At least the sun is shining today - yay! breakfast, blue to do list nice, bedtime my space, taste of winter
photo a day : 3 of 52
Week three in photos - hailing from Chicago and New Jersey colorful, makes me smile 3 things, black and white sun, tiny happy place
Week two in photos found, happens everyday upside down, lucky number natural man made, looking down
photo a day : 1 of 52
I go in and out of photo challenges, but this year I have decided to participate in the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day challenge - Chantelle provides prompts and we are to go out and photograph something that fits. If I complete the challenge, that will be another 365 for me! Let's hope I can do it! I will post daily on Instagram and Facebook and weekly here on the blog. Week 1 : lunch, begins with G, my town, word to live by
365 : it's a wrap!
I am very happy that my photo a day challenge is now over. I certainly lost steam as the year went on - did very well through July, where I missed my first photo. I had some crazy idea that doing this challenge would somehow better my photography ... that didn't really work because I decided to keep it all iPhone. I love my iPhone. I love taking photos with my iPhone, but does it make me a better photographer - nope. I need to make it a point to pick up the DSLR!
That said .. what I do like about the iPhone 365 is that it's a visual journal of what happened throughout my year. So here is my Flickr 365 set from 2012. The good, the bad and everything in between.
I have been taking my 365 photos but got behind posting them ... since I am only a few days away from the end I am just going to finish out the set over on Flickr.
I have to say, it's a lot harder to take a photo per day than I thought it would be - even with my iPhone. I ended up with 355 of 365 and I figure that's not at all bad. I give mad props to people who can get through the 365 selfies!
31 meat market scouting
Spent the afternoon with Barbara, Steve, Terena, Fernanda and more in the Fulon Market area brunching at The Publican and scouting for Barbara and Steve's upcoming wedding dinner at the Publican Quality Meats. It's a fabulous little butcher shop and eatery. The perfect place for the foodie couple!
spotted this on the way home and had Barbara snap a quick pic - too funny |