94 Mohop
Finally got my mohop sandals!!! I've been wanting a pair for years and because they are handcrafted, they are hard to find in a store. I just cannot buy shoes without trying them on. Saw they had a booth at the Renegade Festival and finally got a pair! So excited to wear these next season!!
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95 crazy sky
97 eastern meds
98 flax
Playing a little catch up from the last week... it was a crazy one. And I failed to take a single photo on Monday and Tuesday. Bad! Bad! Bad! But, I'm back on track and snapping away. Photos below: overnight Indy trip, working from home kitty nose, first day of Fall and lazy Sunday reading.
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107 wizard of oz festival : chesterton, indiana
Spent the day in Chesterton with the Pittman crew to take some Sloane photos and attend the Wizard of OZ parade and festival. It was full of folks dressed like the characters, some folks that were really in the movie, some real munchkins - that Bella's cheerleading group cheered for - and etc. It was interesting for sure. Being from Kansas, I find it funny that we never had an OZ themed festival or parade. Might be time for LV to step it up!