126 instacanvas
Got my first instacanvas order - two of my flint hills photos. I have to say they are not bad for an iPhone photo, processed thru the vsco cam app and then blown up. My one gripe is the sides. I wish they would give the option of wrapping the image rather than black or white. I understand why they do this, but they need to wrap a little bit better to be sure the image is square.
... via iPhone ...
127 french toast
128 chicago in white
What better way to spend an evening than with 10 friends and 1600 strangers dining along the Chicago River? The second year of Chicago in White dinner's secret location was the Merchandise Mart! Kendra was a little bummed - given that she works there - but after getting all set up, I think even she was impressed! It was a beautiful night! And I cannot wait to see what super fabulous location they will choose next year!!
129 lichtenstein
Seriously action packed Friday! First stop was the Art Institute to see the Lichtenstein exhibit (finally), which I thought was pretty good. I nice collection of his work. I was not crazy for the "brushstrokes" but thought they were a good representation of the progression an artist goes through. Becoming know for a "style" would be hard, I would imagine you would tire of doing the same thing over and over again. I loved the room of sketches - process facinates me! I think my favorites were the landscapes.
We managed to sneak into a couple of other galleries to see some other famous works. As crazy as it is, Marcey hasn't seen much beyond the impressionists at the Museum. She needs to spend a lot more time there - so much to see!
Then we hit the City Target - I needed vases for tomorrow night and I wanted to see how they designed the store to fit within the old Carson space. I think they did an amazing job - looks clean and fresh and they kept the Sullivan decorated columns. They actually look good with that Target red. And another Marcey moment ... she had never seen the old Sullivan ironwork on the building. She worked downtown, blocks from there, and had never seen this stunning building.
Last stop was champagne and sweets with the girls at RM Champagne Salon. It's a new place, literally located around the back side of a building that you have to access thru the alley. It was lovely despite the fact that our waiter was extremely awkward.
Once again I find myself behind in posting my 365 photos... I am taking them, but life has been very busy and I just fail to get them uploaded. Ahh well... better than being bored, right? As you see I did fail for the second time in the challenge. Thursday was just a crap day and taking a photo was the very last thing on my mind, so chalk up fail No. 2. C'est la vie!
137 field's view
Another day of photoshoots, and fabulous views of my beautiful city. Oh how I love the concrete jungle. And all access tours of amazing spaces! I have been completely spoiled and I just cannot thank all of the wonderful folks who made it all possible!
138 great city
Spent the day with "the Tim Forcade" (of Forcade Assoc) photographing some of our projects in the city and 'burbs. Snapped a few while waiting on the LaSalle St bridge. Damn, I love this city!!!
139 a new favorite
141 retro
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