158 union jack
159 : 40mm selfie
I have to say, I am loving this 40mm pancake lens!!! I love the portability. I love that I can take an arms-length selfie and still be in perfect focus. I even love how it renders light - though I see it might over expose outdoors in bright situations. No problem! So long 50mm.. Our time together has come to an end.
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160 hidden gem
161 sullivan stair
I have always loved this design firms treatment of the stairwell inside the historic building. I cannot remember why they told me that they can't expose the actual staircase, but putting the photo of the stairwell on these moving doors is genius! This is a true Louis Sullivan staircase. Isn't it lovely?
And what trip downtown wouldn't be complete with a trip to Sweet Bliss bakery for some amazing cupcakes?
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162 pancake 40
So after rethinking the Olympus PEN, I decided to embrace the 5D and get the 40 mm pancake lens and take it for a test drive. I cannot believe how lightweight my camera is with this tiny little lens attached. I like the range very much, probably more than my 50 mm. Time for me to start shooting with primes! This one's a keeper!!
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163 seal and macey
164 gimme more
165 drive
166 bridges. bouchon. empire state.
I have to say it was hard to get up this morning! The heat, the walking, the cocktails and late night shenanigans. I did manage to get myself into a cab to Rock center for macarons at Bouchon Bakery. (Wanted to do Laudree, but it was too far away!) I had a delightful chocolate almond croissant and tea while watching Kathy Lee and Hoda do their thing over at the Today Show studio. It's crazy to look into the studio and see all the people and equipment that surround the in this little tiny set space. Funny to watch people try to get on TV too!
Had to walk a few blocks to catch another taxi and as I am standing on the corner with my arm in the air, I look left and there was the Empire State building. See what I mean? Photographic moments just pop up! You don't even have to go looking for them... Once I finally got a taxi, it was off to Lombardi's Pizza - for 'za to go and then back to the hotel with about 10 min to spare before I had to check out and hop on a conference call.
Took the FDR back to the airport and snapped a few photos of the beautiful bridges. NY really does have some fabulous bridge architecture! I really do need to go back and be an actual tourist for a few days to explore and see my NYC friends!