Back on track for the 10 on 10 challenge - 10 photos on the 10th day of the month! I will confess, I did my hourly photos yesterday - much better options than office blah. So here's Sunday fun day. Pumpkin bread and tea A glass of milk - can't go a day w/out one New fall/winter plantings in the outdoor pots Fun mural spotted on the side of Smiley Brothers Holiday decor is out in the stores Portrait shoot at Northwestern's campus Spotted a little graffiti under the El - love spotting these things Red ivy { heart } My fun new hat { thank you Target! } Ended the night with some photo editing
10 on 10 { sept 2014 }
I've missed the last couple of months 10 on 1o challenges ... bad me. But, hopefully I can be better for the coming months! Here's my September ten. Fresh off my trip to Italy, I decided to do my 10 on Sunday. It was the perfect lazy day - homemade waffles with the most amazing bourbon barrel honey, tea and magazines, the kitties loving having their momma home, putting together little travel gifts for friends, journaling (so I can remember what I did on my trip!) and the beginnings of photo editing - there's so far to go! It was the most beautiful day here in Chicago. Happy to be home!
10 on 10 { june 2014 }
It's a weekday and I still managed to get my ten on ten in - woot!Today was a completely dreary Chicago summer day - cold (54•) and as you can see I was in a jacket and scarf, that's just wrong, wrong! It's June! Started the day with a protein shake and toast and a little beautification. Had to charge my Up band - try to do this when I am most still during the day so I don't miss any steps! Despite the cold temps I have mad the switch to iced tea for the summer { love } and snapped a photo of cute little angels as part of today's Fat Mum Slim photo challenge - today's word is 'fly.' Lightened up the rainy day with a new CD from Nicolay - fabulous DJ and part of The Foreign Exchange. Oh and my custom Vans came today ... and ... I don't love them (booooooo). I have been on the hunt for a fun "animal sneaker" since I saw this on Pinterest ... I have ordered six pair now and nothing looks right on me at all. Oh well, I guess it's time to move on and find another shoe to obsess over.
Hope you had a great Tuesday! Happy 10!
10 on 10 { may 2014 }
I did manage to sneak in my 10 on 10 this month, but not very creative. I was out and about and kind of all over the place and wasn't really thinking about the photos... Despite that, I had a wonderful day. Waffles, a lazy morning with tea, good reads and the kitties, acupuncture, scoring the most beautiful peonies at Whole Foods, a photo shoot with one of my friends and then The Foreign Exchange show at the Metro! A great Saturday!!
10 on 10 { april 2014 }
So... I had a bit of a fail on this months ten on ten .. I started it on the 10th, but being a weekday, completely lost track of time and got buried in the workday. So then I thought I'd pick up on the weekend ... but somehow managed to still come up short by a photo. I blame the miserable cold that has fogged my head for two weeks!! :( Ahh well, hopefully I will do better in May!
10 on 10 { march 2014 }
March ten on ten - a Sunday out and about. Breakfast with Click Magazine (love that magazine!), beautifying, allergist - finally got my walking papers and after four years of shots, I'm done!!, badly needed car wash - road salt is a killer, target, lunch @ longman and eagle - was there three hours - long wait, good food and drink!, shopping on Clybourn! Hope your tenth was fabulous! (no .. I didn't buy that plate from West Elm, but it is kind of fun, no?)
10 on 10 { feb 2014 }
I did my 10 on 10 challenge yesterday - much easier and better photo opportunity on a weekend rather than a boring old work day. I am also participating in the FatMumSlim photo challenge - the word for the day was "detail" so I decided to work with that theme for my 10 on 10. Here are a few details from the day.
10 on 10 { dec 2013 }
I wasn't able to do the 10 on 10 challenge on the tenth, so I thought I'd do it today. Why not, right? The theme for this month is candy canes, and since I was feeling very much in the holiday spirit, I decided to let that inspire my shots for the day! Oh Rebekah is doing a giveaway this month of a beautiful album (love it so much I bought it!) by her friend Sarah. Take a listen! [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3235609941 size=medium bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]
So here's my holiday ten [ woke up to a fresh three inches of snow ] [ challah french toast + applewood smoked bacon ] [ Christmas cards ] [ love my santa snow globe ] [ peppermint cookie whole foods style - love these ] [ wrapping present ] [ window decor along my way to the fabric store ] [ snowy branches ] [ sugar cookies! ] [ now relaxing with Phee watching basketball ]
10 on 10 { Nov 2013 }
Super Sunday!!! Seriously a fabulous day!! So glad It was the 10th so I had some fun things to share for the November's 10 on 10 challenge! Started the day with some tea - because no day can begin without my tea! Then a selfie to show off my fabulous Target find - chevron infinity scarf { love } Then off to brunch at Beatrix - where they have super cool light fixtures and even better food! { that's caramel pie, oh yes it is! } Met my cousin and his boyfriend - haven't seen them in forever it seems - so great to catch up with them! Then I was off to Bucktown for pizza and beer at my favorite Piece before the show! With quick little pitstop on my friend's rooftop for a peek at the view - I think I would sleep up there if this was what I'd wake up to!! Oh and then my love, John Legend, sang to me (and a few other people) for a couple of hours! The perfect end to a Sunday! Here's hoping for a great week!!
Sorry I failed to check again for a theme ... must pay better attention! Happy Fall Harvest to my fellow bloggers!
10 on 10 { oct 2013 }
I remembered to do my 10 on 10 for the challenge today. AND since I was out and about, you get to see what a travel workday looks like for me. No two are alike, and today was quite the mix! That said ... I failed to see that there was a theme for this month ... sorry no pumpkin spice today. :( Phoned in from Columbia, SC.
[1] photo of the state house in hotel room [2] room service [3] caffeine [4] reviewing signs - and not liking them [5] walking the hospital floor-by-floor [6] skipped lunch and stopped into the Carolina Museum of Art to see the Annie Leibovitz exhibit (no photos allowed) and zipped through the rest of the galleries - loved these two coming from the ground [7] back to the job site to walk all exterior signs with the guys [8] obligatory palmetto tree [9] recharging [10] rockers at the airport - love the south [11] bonus photo of lake murray from the sky