stay : fiveiOS7 beer tasting @ prairie moon for new local brewery heat lightning
Well, um... Let's just say the staycation was interrupted by a little Apple update called iOS7. I thought it would go live around 11 local time, but turns out it didn't go till 12. Then it took me two hours to get the iPhone and iPad updated. Then I had to play with my new toys for a little bit - discovering all the fun bells and whistles. Most of the changes I really like, but I have found a few little things that bug - that whole thing that comes up from the bottom ... messes with my VSCOCam photo editing. I am hoping they will redesign a little bit to take care of the overlap of gestures. I won't get all nerd on ya, but I certainly had my tech side all fired up today!!
I did manage to make it out of the house to dine with some friends and take in a little beer flight for a new local brewery. 'Twas the busiest that bar has ever been!!
On my ride home I was enjoying the lightening show and decided to pay a stop along the lakefront to test the new "burst" shooting on my phone to capture some of the light show. Well, if I had better patience I probably could have gotten some great stuff. Well, that, and if the iPhone didn't try to focus for each shot even in burst mode.