(30) self portrait :: Hate to end on an iPhone pic, but I'm on a jobsite for a couple of days... so it was my best option.
Had the row to myself on the plane this afternoon, so got a rare chance at the window seat - I'm typically and aisle girl. I travel, a lot. I love seeing and experiencing different places and cultures. Traveling for work kind of sucks though. You're in and out of a city and not really able to experience it. Flight times are terrible and the whole travel experience (security, food, gate changes ... )is dreadful. Even so, the art of plane travel is not totally lost on me... still amazes me that we can fly.
We were flying between two cloud layers and I spotted this rainbow ring of sorts ... I have no idea what it was reflecting from, but how cool is that??
I had a great time with the 30 day challenge. Looking through everyones photos was so much fun. I loved seeing how people translated the theme for the day. And I have certainly found some fabulous photographers to add to my RSS feeds. I want to thank everyone for their incredibly kind comments and for having me as part of the challenge! Looking forward to the next one. Till then, keep the photos coming!