Seems so wrong that it's Tuesday already, but what a great holiday weekend we had here in Chicago! So let's see ...
- getting to the beach (even if my 55 spf prevented me from getting any color)
- getting shit done
- sweet treats
- this funny monkey
- my new photo toy - leica d-lux 5
- scoring a subscription to Dwell for $2 via (woot!)
- Dave Matthews Band Caravan this weekend and the free sampler of music to pump us up!
- headaches
- glasses
- death
- google and their lack of planning when rolling out a product
- that my new air conditioner doesn't seem all that cold...
- that my upstairs neighbor just doesn't get it. Simply put, I should NOT hear you, your TV, chairs or etc.
- folding laundry
OK then ... let's get on with this week!