Ahh it's Tuesday again...
- Seeing a client get really excited about what you've done for them.
- Feedly for iPad - out today - this one app may change my mind about the iPad...
- More like lust - but the new iMac is out today and oh how I want one!
- Live music!
- Dinning with the girls
- ebay - you can find literally anything on there
- Health insurance - these companies are about making money and not about the consumer/patient and it's a damn shame! If we ran our business like these guys do, we would not have one... how do they keep this BS going?
- Neck and shoulder pain has returned - boo
- 42 degrees on May 2nd ... really? This is Spring?
- Country music - I literally just had to mute the TV just now, cannot even handle one minute!!
- That Phoebe meows at the front door - why does she do this? What does she see? What does she want? Cats are weird!
- Now that all of my photos are digital I don't print anything .. I need to print them or make books or something!!!