I was so excited to get this bag ... been flirting with it for a while now and finally found it back in stock. I will say the quality of the leather is very nice. It doesn't look like a camera bag at all - you'd never know someone was carrying a camera inside. { love that } And it's surprisingly light weight too!
The interior is beautifully padded, modular and qutie roomy. I was hoping that it might hold my 13" MBAir - sadly it will not, but the iPad fits perfect. This bag would be THE perfect "everyday" camera bag.
My only complaint { and it's kind of a big one for me } is that the crossbody strap is quite short. 18" does allow it to be worn crossbody, but it's a tall bag and rides quite high on my body. And if I'm all bundled up in my Chicago winter gear { read puffy down coat } it feels really small. I want it to extend to 21" or so where it would fit more toward my hip. This would make it easier to access the contents. Rigth now it feels rather awkward. I truly love everything about it but this ... wondering if I can find a strap extender or something ??
... via iPhone ...