I don't frequent the Air & Water show - the crowds are massive and it's usually hot as balls out... but when Selika suggested we go and the forecast was to be sunny and 80, I thought let's do it! This is the first year I watched from Oak Street Beach - the center point is a tiny bit further north at North Avenue Beach. It was actually quite nice, lots of spots and the aircraft all flew right in front of us. Even crazier was when they flew into the city from over the lake - seriously freaks me out (post 9/11). They get wicked close to the buildings, or at least it seems that way.
The skill these guys have is amazing! I can't decide if my favorite is the guys who skywrite or the fighter jets that go super fast and bob and weave in and out of one another. Even though we got there late, we made it for the good stuff. The lake was lined with boats watching too. Maybe one day I will know someone with a boat so I can watch from there... ha!
As always, we had a great time. I took photos for Selika's fashion blog - she's always super stylish. She's "Posh Spice" to my "Sporty Spice." Ha Ha!
We ended the day with a little treat at a cafe in the bottom of the John Hancock building. Sometimes I take for granted the beauty of the concrete jungle that surrounds me. I need to remind myself to look up more - you just never know when you will see something spectacular!